Monday, September 26, 2011

Google Takeover

Google is one of the most well known WebPages to just about everybody. Because of Google’s ability to basically take over the web it brings concern to other search engines because they believe that Google is favoring its own search products over those from other companies. Since Google is a business they use their strongest commodity, information on the user, to place specific advertisements, making them money. To Google, it is a business, and they are succeeding greatly.
During the podcast Danny Sullivan mentioned that nobody can ultimately provide proof that Google is strong arming its competitors, which is what keeps Google in the “game” and Google uses it to its advantage.  Google competitors continue to argue the idea of net neutrality, which is the basic idea that they are saying Google is playing favorites with those who pay more, or are supported by them. Google knows exactly what they are doing by collecting information on all users because then they can use that information to help them decide what advertisements to post to which users.
I honestly don’t think that Google has done anything wrong because in the end, the internet is all a business. It is all about getting information out to users and making money, which Google has clearly conquered that. I think eventually other search engines will slowly disappear and become less and less popular because of the take over of Google and nobody being able to specifically prove that Google is doing anything wrong, so the internet and users will be taken over by Google eventually. Google is a quick and easy way to search information on anything possible and having that at just about everybody’s fingertips, which will lead to the take over of Google.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses.

I chose this picture because of the simple fact that it is my family and they are the people I love the most. I chose a family picture because I feel it represents my personality and lifestyle best. After high school I moved out on my own and lived the life that many kids my age would love to have. I had my own apartment, my own rules, my own curfew; but those special aspects didn’t last too long. It didn’t take long for me to miss my mom always being there for me no matter what the situation was, or fighting with my brother’s about everything possible. Shortly after I moved out, my mom moved to New Jersey and my brothers moved out as well, making all of us at least an hour and a half away from one another.  It hit hard when I didn’t have a house I grew up in to call home any more, making me miss what I had even more. Now that we all live separately and have our own lives I take advantage of any free time I have from work and school only to see my family. All of my family members use Facebook as a way of keeping in touch. The only reason I really update my account is for my family to see. I talk exactly how I would in front of my family, on my facebook, knowing that each and every one reads what I write. Having the ability to upload pictures to show my family that I’m doing well and seeing theirs makes me feel like I’m always in their life. This past March my oldest brother had a beautiful baby girl, which brought our family even closer together. Over the summer I babysat my niece from 8 am until 6pm, Monday through Friday from when she turned two months old, until I started school in August. It was almost as if I was raising her myself, so when it came time to go back to school I never wanted to leave her. This was the turning moment for me when I realized that family truly means the world to me. Everything I do, I only want to do with my family because I’ve come to learn that they are the ones who will always be there for me in the end.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Media Equals Real Life

In The Media Equation by Byron Reeves and Clifford Nass they discuss a topic very few actually sit and think about. They bring up the concept of how humans, more often than not, associate media with human feelings. The term anthropomorphism is introduced, which is a mistaken belief that inanimate objects are human. The idea is that when a child is watching a television show where they are asked to shout out when they find something, the child actually thinks they must shout along for the characters on the show to move on. They said that this happens because of age, education, or thought. Older people, who deem themselves as an intelligent individual, do this because it can help them learn or follow better. Participating in what you are reading or seeing can help your memory follow along better and retain information better. When reading this I could specifically pin point instances where I found myself anthropomorphisizing. I very rarely will watch a horror movie because I engage myself so much in the movie, that it scares me so badly. When watching a scary movie I often have to pause and look around and realize that I am in real life and it is only a movie, which is a prime example of this specific idea. When I was younger I also did this, I had a stuffed animal that I insisted on sleeping with every single night. I remember one time I left my stuffed animal at my grandmother’s house and the entire night I cried because I didn’t want my stuffed animal to think that I left her behind on purpose and I didn’t want to hurt “her” feelings. Children do this not even realizing that it is merely a toy and made out of cotton and isn’t “real”.  All kinds of people do this without even realizing and it isn’t until reading an article, like this, you catch on to what really happens and how often it happens on a day to day basis.